For the past hour or so, I have been listening to a fantastic choral piece that just has me listening to it over and over again. It is
Salvation is Created by Pavel Chesnokov, Tschesnokoff, or Tchesnokov (whichever makes most sense), or for those of you that are studied up on your Russian, it is
Спасение Соделал by Павел Григорьевич Чесноков. This is one of my favorite pieces ever by a fantastic composer, so I decided that I would blog about him and in the future about any other composers that I was interested in.
Pavel Chesnokov was born just outside of Moscow on October 24, 1877. He was very musically talented and spent nine years studying solfege alone! This amazes me so much. For anyone that doesn't know what solfege is, it is a system of singing designed to teach notes, rhythms and singing. Also known as sight singing. Everyone, well, almost everyone at one point in there life has seen the part of the Sound of Music where they sing "Doe, a deer, a female deer; ray, a drop of golden sun..." Those first words are solfege, representing a specific note in a diatonic collection, but spelled differently. So, a major scale would be {do, re, mi, fa, sol, la, ti, do}. In Russian, just slightly different. The ti is a si {до, ре, ми, фа, соль, ла, си, до}. Anyway, I'm amazed that he studied it for nine years. I am a music major and I barely have four semesters of solfege under my belt. It is very difficult stuff.
On top of studying solfege, he has seven years of training on violin and piano. Also, his composition training includes four years of harmony, counterpoint and form. What??!!! Four years of each. No one studies these this intently anymore. These are three areas that I feel are being blown off in the composition world, as well as some other things. New composers get so excited about creating their own stuff, that they don't learn the essentials and basics. Most all great composers have a very strong foundation in harmony, counterpoint and form. Especially counterpoint.
Most of the music that we have from Pavel Chesnokov is sacred, liturgical music. My favorite piece, as mentioned earlier, is the piece that he is best known for, Salvation is Created. It is simple, yet profound and powerful.
Спасение соделал еси, посреде земли, Боже. Аллилуия!
(Salvation is created, in the midst of the earth, O God. Alleluia!)
Take a listen to it
here. I hope you like it as much as I do.