Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter in the Air

I love Easter a lot. It's the one time of year when most of the Christian world celebrates the life and resurrection of the Savior Jesus Christ. The other thing I love about Easter is how big of a deal it is outside of the United States. It's a huge holiday here in Vienna. It starts with Good Friday and most people are still celebrating a couple days after Easter Sunday. So cool. I wish I had time off for school as a child to celebrate Easter. It's just as important as Christmas, if not more so.

I went to the Easter Market the other day and saw all sorts of cute little Easter trinkets and most of all, painted eggs. There were hundreds , actually, thousands of hollowed-out eggs shells painted from solid colors to fancy, intricate designs.

What do I heart most about the Easter egg tradition? Sadly, it's not the high-protien egg whites. It's the COLORS! Colors, colors, colors, COLORS! Everything just seems so happy and alive. I believe that is a perfect representation of the celebrated event of this day.

Too often we think about Christ on the cross, suffering the sins of the world. Though that is extremely important and vital to us and the Atonement, there is more to the story following these events. On the third day after being place in the tomb, Christ was resurrected. His body and His spirit were reunited. He conquered death. Because of His resurrection, we too will be resurrected. This is His gift to us.

The Easter Bunny also managed to find me all the way over in Vienna. I was so surprised and it was so cute. I have the best host family in the entire world.

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